Bulk Handling Grade
Tivar® 88 w. BurnGard™ Promotes Flow, Not Flames. The top choice for Bulk Material Handling applications where the possibility of hot spots or coal smouldering occurs and in stagnant coal environments.
Tivar® 88 w. BurnGard™ also known as Tivar® FlamEx, has flame retardant properties and should be used in applications where the liner might be exposed to combustion. A specially formulated grade of UHMW-PE combining the key characteristics of Tivar® 88 with the flame retardancy of additive BurnGard™, a flame retardant that will not fuel flames. When the source of the combustion is removed, Tivar® 88 w. BurnGard™ self-extinguishes and experiences no further impact.
Tivar® 88 w. BurnGard™ meets MSHA 1C-112/1 (US Mines Health and Safety Administration) for underground mining and has a UL94 V-0 Flammability Rating with MHSA approval for use in chutes, hoppers, feeders and slider beds, as well as belt wipers and skirtboards - and having met the Underwriters Laboratories 94V-0 criteria in independent laboratory testing against the UL vertical burn test for classifying materials
Tivar® 88 w. BurnGard™ meets the following classifications:
UL 94 VO
DIN 5510-2 Class S4
BS 476, Part 7
Proven Industry Performer
Coal, Minerals & Metals, Steel, Power, Railcars, Chemical, Grain, Transportation Industry,
Vehicle Manufacturing, Building and Construction
Lining Applications where Smoulder or Hot Spots may be present
Coal Bins
Storage bins
Surge bins
Self-unloading bulk carrier ships
Vibratory feeders / bin dischargers
Slider beds
Flame retardant
Low coefficient of friction
Excellent abrasion resistance and impact strength
Good sliding properties
UV stabilised
High chemical resistance
Corrosion resistant
Special Made to Order Item: Minimum 4 sheets per product or thickness run. Lead time 16 wks